The Public Interests all of us.

We are coming soon.

Pitch us a story.

Technologue is an independent publication for stories from Technologists all over the world. It serves as a platform where experts, activists, and creators in the realm of public interest technology share their insights, challenges, and triumphs.

Set to launch in the summer of 2024, Technologue aims to illuminate the intersection of technology and social good through diverse and compelling narratives.

Technologue will be a platform for stories about Public Interest Technology

Submit your pitch here!

Technologue hopes to be a dynamic storytelling platform dedicated to the voices of public interest technologists. Our contributors would range from passionate activists, legal experts, community organizers, funders, artists, and advocates all united by a commitment to making technology accountable to the greater good.

We hope that our audience includes anyone interested in how technology intersects with social justice, human rights, and democracy—whether you're an industry professional, academic, or simply a curious reader: we hope there is a story for you.

We define Public Interest Technology as the pursuit of technological advancements that are not just innovative but are ethical, inclusive, and aligned with democratic values. Our values emphasize open collaboration, the empowerment of marginalized communities, and the relentless advocacy for equity and justice through technological means.

Write to us!

Technologue is by Nasser Eledroos.
Reach out at [email protected]

Pitch us!

We are accepting pitches for:

  • Shortform articles (500-700 words)
  • Longform articles (1000-2000 words)
  • Guides (length negotiable)